
School Project


5 weeks

Project info

Project info


Create a product that will help to fight against COVID-19.


My partner Andre Toney and I started by understanding what the biggest needs were in terms of fighting the pandemic. We decided to take the route of testing because there was a lack in correct covid tests as well as the amount of waste they produce. From there, we researched the best methods for testing. The saliva test which was developed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was the best and most accurate method. From there we decided to iterate with different forms and kept friendliness in mind. After multiple prototypes and forms, we finally came to a solution.


Covida is an approachable and reusable at home COVID-19 tester. It fits in seamlessly with an at home aesthetic and will deliver results to you in 15 minutes or less using a saliva based tester. To start, you push the center which then pushes the saliva compartment back out. You fill up the compartment and finally put it back in place. during the processing time, there will be a flashing white light and once it is ready, you will see either a red or green light which indicates your results.